Exceeded Expectations

Back from ER, and I am very happy to report they retrieved 14 eggs!!!! I would have been happy if they got 8-10, so my expectations were exceeded!

Feeling just a little tired and emotionally spent, so I am lying in bed at the moment just trying to come down from the last 5 hours.

Please think good thoughts for me. The next step is the fertilization report. The embryologist should be calling in the morning with the news on that. We aren’t doing ICSI because S’s samples are generally very good. So shooting for that 66% fert rate. I would be happy with that.

I also wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of you for your support. Every comment you make means the world to me, and keeps my sanity.

Until tomorrow, think fertile thoughts!!!

9 thoughts on “Exceeded Expectations

  1. Reading your blog was such a comfort to me. I am about to start my stims and I dont have anyone around me going through the same thing. It felt like listening to a friend. Thank you for sharing your journey. I’m happy you got so many eggs! I cant wait to hear more!

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