Retro Shelli

Don’t they say sometimes you have to take one step back to take two steps forward?

The last time I was free-wheeling, pregnancy-avoiding Shelli was when I was 33 years old. It was the eve of my 34th birthday when we decided we were ready to start our family. That was almost 7 years ago.

I had been on birth-control pills for nearly 14 years.

Today, I am back on the wagon against my will.

Well, it’s not the world’s worst tragedy I guess. I was hoping to start my injectables cycle in two weeks, but that will now be extended slightly because I just started a pack of 21-day pills today.

It seems my body is still revolting from the m/c from hell, and I am getting tired of seeing spot every single day for the last three weeks… so my RE thought it might be a good idea to regulate this cycle and get to another (hopefully normal) period in December.

I had an uneventful u/s today, and the good news is there are no abnormalities causing the continued bleeding (no cysts, just ill-behaved ovaries asleep on the job).

I guess it could be worse. It’s just the thought of birth control is somewhat ironic (even though I know it’s used a heck of a lot during infertility treatment). I just lose a month of trying au naturale.

Please tell me it will be ok and my body will abide so I can get one cycle in before the end of the year? Please?

BTDT IF/SIF buddies, please make me feel that this is a good thing. Because I am really trying to stay positive.

5 thoughts on “Retro Shelli

  1. I can think of three friends who were either told they wouldn’t be able to concieve or had a hard time trying. All three have children (2 are mothers of 2 and 1 is a mother of 1). One had to do daily injections and the other two after trying several medical attempts and actually stopped trying concieved and delivered healthy babies. I wish you the best of luck!

  2. Oh Shelli, I am hoping that you will get a cycle by year’s end.I can remember a few years ago (sad, I know… years ago), having my Dr. write me a prescription for BCP to treat a cyst, which meant canceling a cycle. I started bawling hysterics as he handed me the script. I’ll never forget the look on his face like ‘holy hell, i’m sorry, and i’m outta here!’Think of it as a nice fresh start… and eat some icecream.p.s.–I made that chicken stoup recipe the other. fab!

  3. I know how hard this must be for you. It’s just not fair that we have to go through all of this crap. It seems ironic to need BCP’s to GET pregnant, eh? You’ll make it though, and maybe those pills will whip your ovaries into shape for December!

  4. I totally understand the frustration of not just “waiting” but to actually take the possibility completely out of your hands. I had to take BCPs after almost every medicated cycle b/c of cysts and each month I did, I felt that “Hey! that could have been THE month!”. While it is frustrating, your doctor is right this time (even though I don’t like how he lallygagged around with that dwindling hCG business). Both your ovaries and uterus are confused and acting up. Think of BCP as Boot Camp for your ovaries.

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